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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9783540307877
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 275 S., 15.82 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2006
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Corporate Performance Management (CPM) is a basic approach which examines the relationship between corporate performance and process optimization. How to successfully introduce CPM in practice is demonstrated through project reports from E.ON, British Telecom, Credit Suisse and Vodafone among others. The methods and tools presented here guarantee a continuous and automated monitoring of the corporate performance and enable Business Process Excellence to be permanently established in the company by company-internal and company-external benchmarking. The articles in this book focus on the use of the ARIS Controlling Platform developed by IDS Scheer.


A.-W. Scheer, W. Jost: From Process Documentation to Corporate Performance Management.- Conception and Methodology of Corporate Performance Management Solutions from IDS Scheer: H. Hess: From Corporate Strategy to Process Performance - What Comes after Business Intelligence?.- A. Kronz: Managing of Process Key Performance Indicators as Part of the ARIS Methodology.- M. von den Driesch, T. Blickle: Operational, Tool-Supported Corporate Performance Management with the ARIS Process Performance Manager.- Corporate Performance Management in Practice: A. Dreissen, R. Heinrichs: Successful Process and Performance Controlling in the Power Supply Industry at SÜWAG Energie.- H. Kruppke, T. Bauer: No Business Intelligence Without Process Intelligence.- R. Reif, A. Kronz, K. Miksch: Monitoring with Key Performance Indicators at E.ON Bayern AG Sales Service.- G. Loes: Performance Management Based on ITIL in the IDS Scheer Customer Interaction Center (CIC).- O. Klein, D. Kogelschatz: Process Performance Management in Securities Operations at CREDIT SUISSE.- H. Oberländer, F. Ossig, M. Linke: Closing the Cycle - Measuring, Analyzing and Improving Processes, Performance and Workflows in the Insurance Sector.- B. Heselmann, P. Stägle, A. Kronz, K. Miksch: Performance Management in Power Stations - with openJET, openBMS and ARIS PPM.- P. Panagiotidis, P. Knirck, A. Kronz: More than Figures - Performance Management of HR-Processes at Vodafone Greece.- S. Drawert: Corporate Performance Management in Logistics and Procurement - Focused Identification of Weak Points with Supply Chain Controlling.- K. Ramler, J. Schwarzin, A. Kronz, K. Miksch: Continuous Measurement and Analysis of Operations Management Processes - ARIS PPM at E.ON Kernkraft GmbH.- L. Müller, F. Gahse: Analysis and Optimization of the Credit Application Process at DaimlerChrysler Bank.- J. Bird: Increasing Customer Satisfaction with Visualized Root-Cause Analysis - CPMSuccess in the Mass Market at British Telecom.- H. Raphael, H. Schenk: Monetary Assessment of Performance Management in the Health Care System - Process Cost Analysis at Marienhospital Herne.- S. Sulzmann: Monitoring ITIL Process Performance at DAB Bank.

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